Friday, 8 December 2017

Welcome to your new Creative Self Care Opportunities

Hi Everyone
Claire and I would like to share 
 our exciting Wild at Art filled come and join us for marvellous Creative Moments 

Diving Deeper Journalling Days
Body Kindness
Studio 29, Hong Kong
Saturday March 24th  ( FULL) 
"Your life in your hands: Mandala Night" 
Alive Wellness, Central
Thursday April 26th
Mothers and Daughters Art workshop day
Aberdeen Boat Club
Saturday April 21st ( 2 more places) 
Phenomenal Woman 
Tai Tam Secret Garden
Saturday April 28th ( full) 
Diving Deeper Journalling
Studio29 Hong Kong  
Saturday 26th May ( 1 more place )

Hope you can join us my friends
Artfully Yours
Katie and Claire 